Well there is really a lot of reflection when you are going to hit one of these Big Birthdays. How should we celebrate. What can we do to mark the special occasion. Of course you might think, wow, a party celebration.
Lots of friends invite everybody to a favorite restaurant have the drinks flowing and party, party, party. Hey you are only going to be that age once so it has to be really somthing memorable.
Now here is where the age factor of what is really important comes into play. What makes up the best memories or special moments in our lives. Drinking and partying the night away till all the fun filled memories are a blur. Or remembering, sometimes the best times are the simple times? Celebrating great moments in time with people we love and who know will really appreciate and rememer the special moments.
Endearing moment sometimes make the best lasting memories. To Leland and myself the treasure, the bounty that encompases all we could ever wish for are good health and happy lives for ourselves and the people most dear to us.
So as Leland was approaching 50 he decided, who needs extra hoopla, we are the hoopla. More important to have a memorable day enjoying and doing the things we enjoy doing together.
Well we brought the World to us, we had an awesome indoor picnic right down to the red and white checkered tablecloth, napkins and plates. Wine, cheeses, deli meats and breads. That was our on hand snackes. OMG can't forget the 4 layered death by chocolate cake.

Jurasic Park Fallen Kingdom opened on Lelands Birthday June 22, 2018. That was the movies of choice at the Imax with reclining seats. How great is that?? Everyone has their own lazy boy.
Birthday dinner was our favorite chinese, deliscious.
50th Birthday, was it memorable? A Big Fat Stinking YES!!!
With love all the special moments big and small are truly memorable.
Wishing you all simple pleasures that make for Grand Memories.
Happy Trails Everyone,
Heather 🎈🎈
PS...................Looking pretty Niffty for Fifty!!!!!
PSS.................Some more fun Birthday Pic in the Gallery.